Rick Zaman serves as the pastor-teacher of Grace Bible Church and he has been on the pastoral staff at GBC for nearly 20 years. As a junior in high school, Rick repented of his sin and trusted Christ. And from early on in his Christian life, he has been ministering God’s Word in one-to-one settings, small groups, and eventually public teaching. 

Rick serves the body at Grace by pointing people to Christ in His word through preaching, teaching, discipling, training, and counseling. In 2009 Grace Bible Church ordained and called him to be an elder and, in March 2016, the elders and congregation installed Rick as the pastor-teacher. Rick earned degrees from The Master’s College (B.A.) and Seminary (M.Div.) and then completed his doctorate from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (D.Min.).

Born in the Kansas City area, Rick loves all things Kansas and Kansas City sports. He enjoys playing sports from disc golf to basketball, when he is not spending time with his family. Rick and Erin have been married for nearly twenty years and are blessed with four children. 

“By His grace, I want God’s people at GBC to see the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ, so that they would love Him and live for Him. And Christ is most clearly beheld as we open and explain the Bible. So, Christ and His word must form the center to our church’s ministry and mission.”  - Rick

Stephen Boom

Elder; Associate Pastor

Stephen Boom serves as an associate pastor of Grace Bible Church focusing primarily on youth ministry. By God’s grace, Stephen heard the Gospel, repented of his sins, and trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation as a young person. Through college and the years following, the Lord graciously grew his faith and desire for teaching, discipleship, and leading others to know and enjoy Christ.

Stephen grew up in Wilmington, DE and received a BS in Finance from the University of Delaware and an MBA from Virginia Commonwealth University. After working six years for DuPont in various finance roles, Stephen transitioned to full time pastoral staff and was confirmed as an Elder in November 2017. Stephen and Amy were married in 2011 and are blessed with four children, Bethany, Timothy, Julia, and Seth. They love serving the youth together and watching every Philadelphia Eagles game they can! Stephen is currently pursuing an M.Div at The Master’s Seminary (online).



The grace of the Lord Jesus rescued Bill from the punishment of sin and changed his heart to trust in Jesus Christ while attending high school. Bill was baptized a few weeks later. During high school and while attending VCU as a graphic design student, the Lord was faithful, through many struggles and temptations, to continue the good work He began in Bill's life. The Lord brought Amy into Bill's life while at VCU. They were married in 1995 and became members of Grace Bible Church. After working in graphic design for a number of years, in 2001, GBC commissioned them to serve as full-time missionaries in El Paso, Texas. Their role was to help establish Grace Bible Fellowship and work with Southwestern Gospel Ministries to Children. In 2012, Bill and Amy moved back to Virginia to serve along side the body of GBC. God has blessed them with three children, Taylor (Connor), Ethan, and Emily (Cameron). Bill was confirmed as an Elder at Grace in April of 2013, and currently serves as Chair of the Elder Board. 

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RusselL Dixon


Russell was saved by God in May of 1989 while in prison in North Carolina for drug trafficking. His life was completely changed. Upon release later that year, he returned to the Eastern Shore of Virginia to work on the family farm, where he fell in love with Jill Scott and married her in 1990. God blessed them with Heather (married to Daniel, living in South Carolina), Andrew, and Matt (both members of GBC) and a love for His church. God helped Russell to grow in the Lord through the faithful ministry of an adult Bible Class teacher, and later the mentorship of the pastor of a church plant where Russell served as director of youth ministries. He came to GBC with his family shortly after moving to Chesterfield in 2009. Russell teaches adult Bible classes at GBC, is a fellowship group leader, and was confirmed as an Elder in November 2017. He is employed as a truck driver for Quail Cove Farms and SCCI.





Jack has served as an Elder and Trustee since 1990 and is an original member at GBC. Married to Marilyn since 1981, they have three adult children; Cody (Melissa), Evan (Jacob), and Tyler (Kayla), who are all members at Grace, and attend with their families. Jack and Marilyn are the proud grandparents of nine granddaughters and one grandson. He coordinates a weekly evangelistic outreach to the students at Virginia Commonwealth University, where a number of Grace members engage students in one on one conversations about who Jesus is, what He has done, and what that means to them. One of Jack’s favorite quotes is “What we do today matters for eternity because there IS an eternity.” Jack’s day job is a financial advisor with Colonial River Wealth Management.     

Kyle LaClair

Kyle LaClair


While in college, Kyle became a believer in Jesus Christ in January 1999 after understanding that salvation was by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9). Over their 20-plus year marriage, he and his wife, Kara, have developed a love for ministry directed toward engaged and newly married couples. Since coming to GBC in 2010, they have been serving in this capacity and love every minute of it! Kyle has a passion for the Bible and teaching people how they can study it on their own. Professionally, Kyle is a civil engineer who manages business development for a large construction company in the Mid-Atlantic region. Kyle and Kara enjoy spending time with their four daughters: Kathryn, Anna, Sophie, and Gracie, as well as hanging out with many of their young marrieds, who keep them young! Kyle was welcomed and installed as a GBC Elder in November 2020.




Raised in a Christian family in Ohio and later in North Carolina, Charles put his faith in Jesus Christ shortly before the age of 10. After studying architecture at Clemson and the University of Maryland, College Park, Charles settled in Richmond in 1990 with his new bride, Julia. They began attending Grace Bible Church in the fall of 1991, and Charles began serving as an elder in 1998. Charles is a principal in the Richmond office of the architecture and design firm, Quinn Evans. Charles and Julia have three grown daughters, Sarah (and husband Jon), Elise and Sofie. The Piper's prayer for the believers at Grace Bible Church is that each one would ''walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.'' Colossians 1:10




While growing up in Baltimore in a Christian family, Rob dedicated his life to the Lord at an early age, and through God’s grace has faithfully served Christ ever since. Several years after college, Rob attended law school in Virginia Beach where he met his wife. Together with their children, they began attending Grace Bible Church early in 2005 and became members later that year. Rob is a practicing attorney in Richmond. He has been involved at Grace by providing counsel and coordinating the Grace Safety Team. Rob was confirmed as an Elder in April of 2013.



On Sunday evening, April 5, 1959 at the Berean Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bill committed his life to his Lord Jesus Christ. Bill grew up in Oklahoma and was schooled in the sciences at Northeastern State College in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Later, Oklahoma State University granted him a Master of Chemical Engineering Degree. Bill married Mary Ann Nelson of Potter, Nebraska in 1979, and God has given them three children, Burke (Amy), Sophie and Warren (Emily), and eight grandchildren. Bill works for Integrity Consulting, a Health, Safety and Environmental Compliance consulting firm. Shortly after moving to Richmond, Bill and Mary Ann joined the newly founded Grace Bible Church in the Spring of 1990. In September 1990, Bill began serving as an elder of Grace.

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Andrew Townshend


Growing up in a loving, Christian home, Andrew recalls being gifted by God with faith of his own in Middle School, repenting of his sin and trusting in Christ alone for his salvation. He remembers it was then that he cared for the first time what God thought of his sin, that it must be punished, and that it was punished on Christ, while Christ’s righteousness was imputed to him as a gift. Two of Andrew’s favorite verses are Proverbs 3:5-8 and Hebrews 12:1-2, and he desires to trust and follow the Lord all the days of his life. Andrew has a passion for the Word of God and student ministry, and therefore combines those passions to lead and serve the Middle School Youth Group at Grace Bible Church, along with his wife, Sarah. Before teaching Middle School students, he taught the 7/8s Bible class, and now also serves on the Music Ministry team. If the church doors are open, it is Andrew and Sarah’s desire to be among the people of God at GBC, serving in whatever way that will be a blessing to the body of Christ. A native of Maryland, the Townshends moved to Richmond after graduating college, and have attended GBC since 2008. Andrew is a Senior Trust Officer with Bank of America Private Bank, employed there since 2008. Andrew was confirmed as an Elder of Grace Bible in November 2017. After several years in healthcare administration, Sarah now enjoys being a full-time mom to Knox and Jack, Joanna, and Teddy. In his free time, Andrew enjoys spending time with family, reading books, playing sports, traveling, and playing percussion.

Taylor Turner

Taylor Turner


Taylor first heard the gospel of Jesus Christ in history class during senior year of high school. He realized then that forgiveness for his sin and new life through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ was available to him. By God’s providence, Taylor roomed with a preacher’s son at VPI&SU (aka VA Tech) who demonstrated what it meant to daily walk worthy of the Lord (Col 1:10). Taylor earned degrees from VPI&SU (Engineering), UT Dallas (MBA), and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.). Taylor and Nancy married in 1983 and have four grown children and five grandchildren. Taylor and his family came to GBC in 2007 where they have been blessed to sit under the godly expository preaching and teaching of Rich Ryan and now Rick Zaman. Taylor co-leads a fellowship group. Nancy serves as one of GBC’s pianists. Taylor is employed at a consulting engineering company. He began serving as Elder of Grace Bible in November 2020.

Kyle Fuller

Pastoral Assistant

God called Kyle to Himself in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ during a VBS in Georgia when he was six years old, and since then God has been faithful to grow and mature Kyle in holiness. Kyle began attending Grace Bible Church with his family in 2007, where he met his future wife Noelle. Kyle and Noelle were married in 2017, and are blessed with a daughter, Jenny. The Lord cultivated Kyle’s love for the church through various ministries at GBC, specifically his involvement in the middle school/youth ministry and participation in the church’s pastoral internship and residency. Kyle was hired as a pastoral assistant in 2023, where he serves GBC’s youth and congregation through teaching and facilitating discipleship under the direction of the elders. In addition to serving the youth along with Noelle, and fellowshipping with the church, Kyle enjoys playing board games, playing and watching various sports (go Rams!), and spending time with his family. Kyle holds a BA in History from VCU, and is currently pursuing an M.Div at The Master’s Seminary (online).

Brice Polender


Brice was raised in the northern suburbs of Chicago by believing parents who loved him very much. Brice was saved from his rebellion against God in the summer of 2017 on a tennis trip to Israel, when the Holy Spirit opened his eyes to his own sinfulness and the glory of the Good Shepherd in John 10 (especially verses 9-11). Brice started attending Grace Bible Church about ten months later after his junior year at the University of Richmond, thanks to his new friend at school, GBC member Trent Radding. Following graduation, Brice worked for over four years as a tennis instructor at a country club in Richmond while growing in his walk with the Lord as a member of GBC. During that time, Brice was introduced (by Kyle and Noelle Fuller) to Peyton (formerly) Elkins. Peyton is the love of Brice's life and they have been married since 2022. Under the guidance of the GBC pastors, Brice started taking classes with The Master's Seminary Mentor Model Program part-time in 2021, and in 2023, Brice left his job at the country club to focus on seminary full-time.




Through God's grace, Brian called upon Christ as Lord and Savior shortly after graduating from high school. While in college at James Madison University, God began to grow his love for Christ and His Word through involvement with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and his attendance at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Brian has been married to his wife, Jenn, since 1997, and attending Grace since the fall of 2008. They are blessed with six children: Coleman, Emmie, Calvin, Ellerie, Carter, and Evie. Brian has been able to serve the body at Grace through his involvement with the music ministry, as well as discipling and fellowship groups.

Kathy DUnn


Kathy grew up in New England and graduated from Southern Vermont College. After relocating to Richmond in 2011, she and her family began attending Grace Bible Church. She came on staff with GBC in March 2022. Kathy and her husband, Stacey, have three grown children and one grandchild. In her spare time, she is a Scout leader and volunteers at her local library.


FacilitiES Coordinator

Mary grew up right here in Virginia, and began attending GBC when she was eight years old. Mary is one of seven kids and grew up hearing the word read and taught in her home and at church every Sunday. She accepted Christ at a young age, but truly began to grow and desire to grow in her first year in the middle school youth group at GBC. She grew up helping her mom coordinate the weddings of many friends and family which grew her love to serve through organizing and helping with events. In September of 2023 she married Samuel, and they are happily living in Midlothian with their big bernedoodle puppy, Maximus.

Deacons and Deaconesses

Randy and Nancy Boyd • Administration Board
Bobbi Caldwell • Corporate Hospitality
Stacey Dunn • Parking
Chris Lee • Safety Team
Cindy Locke • Supplies Purchasing
Elaine Mazzo • Book Nook
Kevin and Wendy Routhier • Administration Board
Marcos Silva • Facility Cleaning
David Word • Facilities and Technology

Please call the Church Office if you would like to contact an individual Deacon.