Children's Ministry
The Children’s Ministry at Grace Bible Church seizes the unique and special opportunity to teach and instruct our children to know God through the gospel.
We minister to our children by teaching them the Scriptures, by modeling Christ-centered lives before them, and by equipping and encouraging parents to raise their children in the Lord’s instruction and discipline.
We offer classes for children of all ages from newborns to high school students. So, no matter the age of your child, he or she has the opportunity to receive focused biblical instruction and application while enjoying fellowship, fun, and gifted teachers.
Registration for children infants through 5th grade is in the foyer area outside the Worship Center. For safety reasons, all children in this age range must be checked in each week. We provide coded name tags for both the child and the adult who is dropping them off/picking them up from class.
Babies and Toddlers (0 up to 3 years)
As you come down the west classroom wing, on your right you will find our infant/toddler area. In the toddler room, we teach short Bible lessons to instruct and train them to listen to Bible teaching. Your child will be nurtured and loved.
If your small child should be restless in the worship service, we encourage you to move out into the foyer or The Crossing where the audio and video of the service are available.
Children's Bible Classes (ages 3-10)
Our children’s classes are offered during both worship hours. All children are taught a lesson from the Scripture about God, Christ, the gospel, and how to live for Him. They are also directed in age-appropriate music, missions teaching, games, crafts, and fellowship.
Teen Bible Classes (ages 11-18)
For these students, Grace provides focused times in Bible study and age-appropriate application during the second worship hour (10:45 - 12pm.)
Middle School students ages 11-13 meet in East Hall D
High School students ages 14-18 meet in East Hall C
We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and your children with God’s Word.
For more information about the Children's Ministry or to serve as a volunteer, please contact Paula Davidson.